martes, 7 de julio de 2009


What is Love? Is it a word that is used to express a way someone feels for another? Or is a feeling that is felt only from with in? Then why do people use it so frequently with out meaning? why did you say it if you didnt mean it? why did you make me believe that it was true? Was it on purpose? Was that your intention from the beginning? To make me trust you, to make me believe you, to make me love you? Answer me! Did it give you pleasure to see me fall so hard? Did you enjoy seeing me cry? No, then why? Why did you do it? When you knew I was so different I gave all I could give you I was true to you. But that wasn't enough was it? You had to mess things up. You told me that I was everything you wanted, That you had never met another person like me, That I was one of a kind Then why? Why did you do it? What was going thru your mind? Never mind I dont wanna know... All I want you to know is that now I am different. Much wiser, much stronger.

At.Dulce Locura♥

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Why am I so sad?

This feeling burns so hard inside, but hopefully one day... maybe just one day they will go away, and let me sleep tranquil nights Like i used to, way before everything happend.

At. Dulce Locura♥

viernes, 10 de abril de 2009


Everyday is a new adventure for me. Waiting to see what happens next, will some one else SCREW me over?... will you make me feel hurt again? These are questions that linger in my mind. I know I said I FORGAVE you for what you did, but its hard for me to FORGET. Everytime i remember I feel STUPID for staying, but I know that im DEAD without you. No matter what I LOSE. Im used to this, you know I am, you know my past. But for some reason this time it hurts more then anything that has ever happened to me... I NEVER have felt for anyone the way I felt for you, I vowed to you to stay TRUE- But yet I haven't been stabed in the back with the knife we bought together and now I walk with a bloody wound in my back, waiting for it to heal.

At. Dulce Locura♥

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Are We Human or Are We Dancer?

I did my best to notice When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender I was brought but I was kind
And sometimes I get nervous When I see an open door
Close your eyes, clear your heart ... Cut the cord

Pay my respects to grace and virtue Send my condolences to good
Hear my regards to soul and romance They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion It taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, wish me well ...You've gotta let me go

Will your system be alright When you dream of home tonight
There is no message we're receiving Let me know, is your heart still beating?

You've gotta let me know

Are we human or are we dancer? My sign is vital, my hands are cold And I'm on my knees looking for the answer ... Are we human or are we dancer?

At. Dulce Locura ♥

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009


Sometimes i think too much, i think of the future and whats going to happen.. you told me you wont do anything, you even promised me... but then there was this one thing you said that made me wonder. It made me think of things. Things that happened and could happen. I know i worry too much but i have my reasons. you know what they are so i dont have to write them out. I just hope that you are true, cuz i swear by everything that i love including you.. that if something happens tomorrow the next day the next year or in like 20 i will leave you forever.. you erase my name from your mouth and my love from your memory.. i will take my child my dog and everything i have with me. im not one of those women that will forgive you for every thing. i forgave you once for what you did and you know what it is, you screwed up and made me cry a couple of times.. so dont do it again specially since u promised me.. cuz i love you but im not going to get hurt again. i know that i have hurt you before too.. but never like that. you know i wouldnt and i hope you wont either. if you love me, like you say you do, lets make it true.
Dulce Locura ♥

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009


Si Dios tuviera un refrigerador, tendría tu foto pegada en él.

Si El tuviera una cartera, tu foto estaría dentro de ella.

El te manda flores cada primavera.

El te manda un amanecer cada mañana.

Cada vez que tú quieres hablar, El te escucha.

El puede vivir en cualquier parte del universo, pero El escogió Tu corazón.

Dios no te prometió días sin dolor, risa sin tristeza, sol sin lluvia, pero El si prometió fuerzas para cada día, consuelo para las lágrimas, y luz para el camino.

Dulce Locura♥

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

El Amor se cocina a fuego lento

Voy a decir algo q con seguridad va a molestar a muchos, pero q cuando se los explique les va a molestar mas, y es q a veces cuidamos mas lo seguro q tenemos, q lo inseguro. Me explico: yo siempre digo, no cuides tanto a tu familia, cuida a tu pareja y la gente se sorprende.
Pero como q no voy a cuidar mucho a mi familia? Es mi familia! Y no, tu familia, q es tu familia, esta segura, es tu familia, nunca se pierde. Ustedes han oido decir a alguien: alli va mi ex hijo, alli va mi ex padre? No, verdad? Pero han oido mucho, alli va mi ex pareja.

Entre los padres, los hijos, los hermanos, la familia, lo mas seguro que se tiene, no hay ex. Ellos estan alli y por muchos años que duren sin verse, por mucho tiempo que tarden en escribirse o en hablarse, ellos estan alli. Ellos esta alli, ellos estan seguos.
Y es mas, les voy a decir otra cosa, de todos los amores, q es tender lazos, de todos los puentes, el amor mas devil q existe es el de pareja. En una pareja no hay nada. Por eso hay q darlo todo, para quedarse con algo.

Tener una pareja es como cuidar una flor. Si una flor no se riega, se muere, y si se riega mucho, tambien. Hay q ser un artista para cuidar una flor. Yo ya se cuidar flores ^^ .. Por eso, el amor de padre, de madre y de hijo es como tener un -cuji coreano-, nadie los riega, pero estan ahi. Eso q llamamos amor eterno se da en papa, en mama, en un hijo, y en los amigos, q tambien puede ser un amor eterno. Pero en una pareja es un amor diario, tiene q cuidarse todos los dias. Pero vete de tu pareja diez años a ver q encuentras. Eso es lo q dice que el amor de pareja es amor de todos los dias. Yo puedo hablar con mi mama cada semana, una vez a la semana, pero a mi pareja la estuviera llamando a cada momento. Y no es q sea bueno o malo, es q el amor es así. No se quiere a nadie mas por no querer al otro. Por ejemplo, yo comparo el amor de aquellas parejas q por alguna circunstancia del destino tienen un hijo discapacitado. No es q no quieran a los otros, pero ellos estan seguros. De aquel tienen q estar mas pendientes, porq se puede caer, porque a lo mejor no come solo. En cambio, los otros estan y los quieren igual, y saben q estan ahi.
Si tengo una pareja, ese es el amor discapacitado. De ese tengo q estar mas pendiente porque necesita mas.

Quienes tengamos esa hermosa Flor, ya saben lo q tenemos q hacer, regarla todos los dias para q siempre este fresca y radiante y se mantenga ahi hasta que Dios decida llevarsela de este mundo, y los q no, no dejen de tener Fe de q Dios les regalara nuevamente una flor para su Jardin.


Dulce Locura♥